What is Glose Web Clipper?

Glose Web Clipper allows you to save, read and share your articles and web pages on your Glose account. You can use this feature on any device, smartphone, computer or tablet.

1. First, download our "Glose Web Clipper" extension. It is available on the following browsers:

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/glose-web-clipper/fgkcejjakdfeikfofnoidfblhfgkmfeb

Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/glose-web-clipper/

2. Once you have downloaded the extension it will be displayed in the top right corner. Now go to a web page that you have read, want to read, or want to share with your students.
3. Click on the Glose Web Clipper extension and log in with your Glose login details.
4. Click on "Upload this page".
5. Once your item has been uploaded you will be able to find it in your "Uploaded Articles" shelf in the book tab of your Glose account.